Album: Banff:Sept 7th

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Tea House hikes
Tavern 1883
Sortie: Not all exits lead to a town called Sortie, apparently.

Lake Louise
Start of hike
Starting the ascent up Higher up
We're up quite a bit from the lake now, but still much more to go.
Mirror Lake
With the Beehive behind it
Mirror Lake Still going up Beehive Stairs!
Seems kinda cruel after all that elevation gain we just did.
Tiny falls Lake Agnes Tea House
We made it!
Lake Agnes Tea House
Tea House
Menu - We split a hummus sandwich (forgot to take pictures, too tired)
Tea House
Menu - We got the Blueberry Beehive tea. It was really good.
Lake Agnes Tea House
Tea House Map
From the tea house, we backtracked to Mirror Lake. We're now going to take the highline trail over to the Po6G tea house (it's off the upper left of the map).
Highline trail Highline trail
Highline trail Highline trail
It sprinkled on and off during the hike to the other tea house.
Chris See how far
We started at that hotel in the distance.
Highline trail View of Lake Louise View of Lake Louise
Zoomed in
View from trail
Highline trail Highline trail Chris Mountain goats
I don't know how they saw them, but we ran into some other hikers who spotted these mountain goats. If you click and zoom in, you can kinda seem them.
Mountain goats Mountain goats
Max zoom
Baby mountain goat
Mountain goats
View View View View
It's hard to see, but there is water coming down from above.
That's Lake Louise, we started at the far side of it!
Trail Trail
Po6G Tea House
Finally there!
Po6G Tea House Snack
We split a piece of chocolate cake and some tea
Glacier View Glacier
Location in 1904
Location 2003
The trail continues past the tea house, but we're heading back
View View
Heading back View along trail View along trail Michelle
Enjoying the view. But really, wasting time as we let faster hikers pass us.
Lake Louise
Still a long way to go
Lake Louise
Zoomed in
Looking for rocks
Trail View View Stream
Stream Stream Chipmunk Stream
Stream Stream Stream Getting closer
The water level is pretty high
Boardwalk Only 2.4 km to go!
We came from the tea house, 3.4 km away.
Lake Louise
Weird, wet sandy area by the lake
Colorful wall Michelle Chris Chipmunk
Views while driving Views while driving Views while driving
Views while driving
Views while driving Tavern 1883
Quinoa Falafel Burger
Photo album generated by album a tool written by Dave on Tue Oct 18 08:24:02 2016