Album: HikingClub:Bear Head Lake

Bear Head Lake State Park: Minnesota DNR
Hiking Club Miles: 3.0
Miles Earned On: 09/05/14
Critter Card Found On: 09/02/11
Geocaching notes: Our third state park over Labor Day weekend. A snake found the cache just before us. Beautiful park. Wish we had more time to explore it.
Bird Card Found On: 09/05/14
Hiking notes: Trail was a bit rugged with exposed rocks and roots. It had just rained when we showed up, making parts of the trail slippery. And, despite being later in the season, still quite a few mosquitoes out. Still, a fun and enjoyable hike.
Park comments: The park has a very nice new learning center. We stopped there to eat our lunch after the hike.

Park entrance Critter card
Critter card
Bird card
Bird card
Start of Hiking Club Trail Norberg Lake Trail Trail
Trail turns right, where it starts getting rugged.
Trail Trail Trail Lake Access
Off on a little side trail, where Chris points out an island
Back on the Hiking Club Trail Trail Trail Map
Trail turns onto a road for a short while
Road Found the password
Seems like a poor spot to place it. Anybody driving by can see it.
Turning off the road and back unto a trail
Trail View from trail View from trail
Pine needle island, according to Chris
Trail Trail Trail Patch of weird mushrooms
Trail Trail Trail Back at car
Album created by album generator from David's MarginalHacks on Mon Feb 1 08:53:56 2016