Album: HikingClub:Big Stone Lake

Big Stone Lake State Park: Minnesota DNR
Hiking Club Miles: 2.2
Miles Earned On: 08/01/15
Critter Card Found On: 04/30/11
Geocaching notes: This is a demo park. The park office was open and we were finally able to buy our 10 and 20 coin. You can drive to all the stages, which is what we did, and that made this a quick find.
Bird Card Found On: 10/09/13
Hiking notes: Not many people must hike this path, as there were a lot of webs crossing the trail. Hot day and the lake provided little relief. Few spots on the trail with swarm of mosquitos, but otherwise mostly bug free.
Park comments: Ranger was really nice and helpful. We picked up our 175 mile badge there, and they were out of stickers. She took our info and said she'll mail us some.

Park entrance Critter card
Critter card
Avian card
Avian card
175 miles!
Earned at Sibley, got badges at Big Stone
Start of Hiking Club Trail Big Stone Lake
Trail Trail Trail Trail
Bridge Trail Trail Trail
Trail Trail Trail Trail
Trail View from bridge Trail Trail
Found the password Benkowski Falls Trail What is that?
It moved! And again! Trail Trail
Trail Trail Trail View from trail
View from trail Back at car
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