Album: HikingClub:Blue Mounds

Blue Mounds State Park: Minnesota DNR
Hiking Club Miles: 6.2 (actual 4.5)
Miles Earned On: 10/25/14
Critter Card Found On: 08/20/11
Geocaching notes: Our fifth state park that weekend. Quick find and a short walk along a paved trail to the cache.
Bird Card Found On: 10/11/13
Hiking notes: The park received nearly 11 inches of rain during two storms in July 2014. The water and debris damaged many areas of the park, including the dam and part of the hiking club trail. When we visited, the dam was still leaking water onto a portion of the trail, making it inaccessible.
Geocaching notes: Our fifth state park that weekend. Quick find and a short walk along a paved trail to the cache.
Park comments:

Park entrance Critter card
Critter card
Avian card
Avian card
Crossing street Sign Start of Hiking Club
Not the official start, but the start for us
The loop around upper and lower Mound Lake was closed
Trail Trail Trail
Trail Trail Trail Map
Trail A Prairie Vista View Chris
Checking out the view
Trail Eagle Rock
We took a minor detour to check out Eagle Rock
Eagle Rock The west
South Dakota?
The south
Luverne and Iowa
Eagle Rock
Chris scrambling down
View from trail Interpretive Center
Trail Trail View from trail Rock alignment
Rock alignment Rock alignment Trail Quarry
Quarry Quarry Quarry Found the password
View from trail Trail Trail Trail
View from trail View from trail Trail Trail
Trail Trail Trail Trail
Back at car
Powered by album from Marginal Hacks by David Madison on Mon Feb 1 08:54:02 2016