Album: HikingClub:Cuyuna Country

Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area: Minnesota DNR
Hiking Club Miles: N/A
Miles Earned On: N/A
Critter Card Found On: 03/30/11
Geocaching notes: The rangers were very helpful. They saw us looking at the first waypoint and told us to come into the office. They explained the best way to get to the cache during the winter and mentioned that the last geocacher up there had seen the cache on the ground. When we hiked up, we found the decoy easily enough, but the cache was nowhere to be found. We went back to the office, and the rangers thought it must have been stolen, as we were right where it was supposed to be. They gave us a critter card and told us exactly where the cache should be. We couldn't resist looking again, so we hiked back up a second time, and still couldn't find it. It's hiding place must have been stolen and the cache was either lost or under several feet of snow. Oh well.
Bird Card Found On: 08/31/13
Hiking notes:
Park comments: We didn't get to explore much because of all the issues we had with geocaching.

Visitor Center Croft Mine Cuyuna Lakes State Trail Cuyuna Lakes State Trail
Cuyuna Lakes State Trail Cuyuna Lakes State Trail Critter card
Critter card
Avian card
Avian card
Created with the tool album generator a script written by David Madison on Mon Feb 1 08:54:09 2016