Album: HikingClub:Father Hennepin

Father Hennepin State Park: Minnesota DNR
Hiking Club Miles: 2.0
Miles Earned On: 03/31/11
Critter Card Found On: 03/31/11
Geocaching notes: Amusing hiding spot. I thought Chris was crazy for looking there. There was no pen in the cache, so we didn't sign the log.
Bird Card Found On: 05/25/13
Hiking notes: Hiked just the Hiking Club Trail.
Park comments: Park is next to Mille Lacs Lake, which was still frozen when we visited. We would have liked to go up to Pope Point, but we were short on time.

Park entrance Start of Hiking Club Trail Trail Mille Lacs Lake
Trail Trail Mille Lacs Lake Trail
Trail Trail Map Dock
Trail Trail Trail Trail
Trail Picnic area Trail Toilets
Trail Trail Map Trail
Trail Trail Map Trail
Trail Found the password Trail Trail
Trail Map Trail Trail
Crossing the road Trail Trail Trail
Back at car Critter card
Critter card
Avian card
Avian card
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