Album: HikingClub:Flandrau

Flandrau State Park: Minnesota DNR
Hiking Club Miles: 2.8
Miles Earned On: 11/06/10
Critter Card Found On: 11/06/10
Bird Card Found On: 06/23/12
Wildflower Card Found On: 05/02/15
Hiking notes: Besides the hiking club trail, we also hiked the optional trail to the scenic overlook.
Geocaching notes: This one involved trivia about the milk snake. Thankfully, you can find a brochure about the milk snake at the visitor center.
Park comments: The hiking club trail was mostly well marked. There were two intersections with no signs right at the beginning of the trail. Good thing the state park map had the hiking club trail highlighted, otherwise we could have gotten lost. We'd like to go back sometime and do the River and Old Island loops.

Park entrance Park entrance Visitor Center Found cache
Front of critter card
Found cache
Back of critter card
Bird card
Bird card
Wildflower card
Wildflower card
Start of Hiking Club Trail Cottonwood Trail Cottonwood Trail
Cottonwood Trail Cottonwood River Cottonwood River Cottonwood River
Cottonwood Trail Cottonwood River Cottonwood Trail Cottonwood River
Cottonwood Trail Cottonwood Trail Oxbow Trail Oxbow Trail
Oxbow Trail Map Trail Trail
Trail Trail Trail Map
Grassland Trail Grassland Trail Grassland Trail Grassland Trail
Grassland Trail Found password Grassland Trail Grassland Trail
Grassland Trail Grassland Trail Map Ridge Trail
Ridge Trail Ridge Trail Ridge Trail Ridge Trail
Ridge Trail Map Trail Scenic Overlook Trail
Scenic Overlook Trail Scenic Overlook Scenic Overlook Scenic Overlook
Scenic Overlook Back on mandatory Hiking Club Trail Trail Trail
Woodland Trail Woodland Trail Woodland Trail Woodland Trail
Woodland Trail Woodland Trail Woodland Trail
Steps to Scenic Overlook
Scenic Overlook
Scenic Overlook Steps Steps Woodland Trail
Photo album generated by album tool a MarginalHack by David Ljung on Mon Feb 1 08:54:11 2016