Album: HikingClub:Fort Snelling

Fort Snelling State Park: Minnesota DNR
Hiking Club Miles: 3.0
Miles Earned On: 10/23/10
Critter Card Found On: 10/23/10
Geocaching notes: The park ranger was very helpful in showing us how to enter coordinates in the GPS. They neglected to show us how to do that in the class we took at William O'Brien. Chris learned a new word - confluence.
Bird Card Found On: 04/08/14
Hiking notes: We stuck to the Hiking Club Trail, when we could find it. Either many of the club signs had been stolen, or the trail was poorly marked.
Park comments: On Pike Island, you're able to walk up right to the confluence of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers. Even though it was a bit rainy, the park was busy.

Entrance to park Visitor center Visitor center Heading toward Pike Island
Trail to Pike Island Trail to Pike Island Start of Hiking Club Trail Bridge to Pike Island
Hiking Club Trail Trail Trail
We think we should have turned right here.
But we find some deer
Found a map
Still unsure if this is where we are suppose to be.
Trail Minnesota River
Minnesota River Weird Trail Found the password
So we are on the right trail. Whew.
The confluence The confluence
Up close
Trail Trail
Freaky Trail Fort Snelling
In the far distance
Trail Mississippi River Trail Trail
Trail Trail Trail Back at bridge
View from bridge View from bridge Trail
Back to visitor center
Back to visitor center
Back at visitor center Found the cache
Took a critter card
Avian card
Avian card
Photo album generated by album generator a MarginalHack written by David on Mon Feb 1 08:54:14 2016