Album: HikingClub:Franz Jevne

Franz Jevne State Park: Minnesota DNR
Hiking Club Miles: 1.3
Miles Earned On: 04/04/15
Critter Card Found On: 05/28/11
Geocaching notes: Quick find. Lots of weird white flying bugs on the day we visited.
Bird Card Found On: 06/23/13
Hiking notes: The road to the start of the trail in the campground was closed. Also, the trails were extremely icy. We wouldn't recommend visiting this park until they open the campground, as that would allow you to start in the proper spot and the trails will be in better condition. The ice was so treacherous that it took us over 2 hours to complete this one. We should have turned around, but we thought it would get better once the trail was away from the river. No such luck. And at that point, it seemed just as difficult to go back as it was to go forward.
Park comments:

Park entrance Trail Rainy River Rainy River
Critter card
Critter card
Avian card
Avian card
Hiking club trail not highlighted
Road to campground (and start of trail). As it was closed, we had to walk it.
Start of trail Trail
Rainy River
Trail Trail Trail
Don't be deceived, that's all ice.
And the ice conditions worsen. We have to traverse this lake of ice and then go up an icy hill.
Trail Trail Trail
This sign had fallen on the ground. Luckily Chris spotted it.
Trail Trail Trail
And the ice returns.
Trail Spur
Short spur trail to Rainy River overlook.
Trail Trail
Found the password Rainy River Trail Trail
Trail Fungus? Trail
Ice just never lets up.
Almost done.
Rock outcrop Rock outcrop Back on road
We still have to walk down the road to the car.
Back at car
Powered by album a free tool written by D. Madison on Mon Feb 1 08:54:16 2016