Album: HikingClub:Glendalough

Glendalough State Park: Minnesota DNR
Hiking Club Miles: 3.3
Miles Earned On: 09/06/15
Critter Card Found On: 05/30/11
Geocaching notes: Great puzzle cache. We had the coordinates right for the third waypoint, but the find alluded us. Asked the ranger for help and he verified it was still there. Looked again and found it right away. Doh! Found the last stage with no trouble.
Bird Card Found On: 06/21/13
Hiking notes: For such a hot and humid day, the park was really busy. Not many on the trail though. This trail takes you around the lake. Glad we started early, as by the time we got back to the car, the weather was pretty miserable.
Park comments:

Park entrance Critter card
Critter card
Avian card
Avian card
Start of trail
Actually, it might be the end. We may have done this one in reverse.
Trail Trail
Turning onto bike path Trail Cool tree
It looks like it's bending over to take a drink
Trail Trail Found the password Yurts
Trail Map Turning off bike trail Trail
Trail Trail Trail Trail
Trail Map Trail Butterfly
Butterfly and bees Trail Trail Trail
Trail Trail Trail Back at car
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