Album: HikingClub:Great River Bluffs

Great River Bluffs State Park: Minnesota DNR
Hiking Club Miles: 2.5
Miles Earned On: 08/23/14
Critter Card Found On: 06/04/11
Geocaching notes: The first stage was off by 165 feet, but it was easily found. Had some false starts deciding which trail to go down to reach the second stage. Nice, shady trails.
Avian Card Found On: 04/12/14
Hiking notes: It was our third visit to this park, and to keep it consisent with the others, it rained. It was foggy too, so we didn't get a great view of the river. The rain made parts of the trail very slippery. Quite a few mosquitoes out and about. Trail was well marked.
Park comments: Despite having been there twice before, we never saw the ranger station before. It's one of the nicer ones. We would like to visit again, maybe in the fall, and definitely when it's not raining.

Park entrance Critter card
Critter card
Avian card
Avian card
Start of Hiking Club Trail Map Trail
Trail Trail Trail Trail
Trail Trail Trail View from Trail
Found the password View from bluffs Geology View from bluffs
Overlooking the Mississippi River
View from bluffs Heading back View from Trail Trail
Trail Trail
Near car
Back at car Earned 125 miles badge
Album created by album generator a script written by David Ljung on Mon Feb 1 08:54:26 2016