Album: HikingClub:Lake Bemidji

Lake Bemidji State Park: Minnesota DNR
Hiking Club Miles: 2.0
Miles Earned On: 05/16/14
Critter Card Found On: 05/28/11
Geocaching notes: Fun puzzle cache. Puzzle involved finding the combo to the lock on the cache.
Bird Card Found On: 05/16/14
Hiking notes: While talking to the ranger about the missing avian cards at La Salle, we asked her to point out where to park for the Hiking Club Trail. Good thing we asked, because she also showed us the trail to take, and that turned out to be crucial information. At one point, the trail splits into multiple different directions, none of which had a hiking club sign.
Park comments: Nice visitor center. We picked up a two State Park Trails jackets that we haven't seen offered at any other park.

Park entrance Park entrance Sculpture of MN State's bird Hummingbird by visitor center
Avian card
Avian card
Critter card
Critter card
The Old Logging Trail Start of Hiking Club Trail
The Old Logging Trail
The Old Logging Trail
Crossing the street
Trail splits with no Hiking Club sign to tell us which way to go. Thankfully the ranger told us to take the bog trail.
Bog Trail Bog Trail Bog Trail Bog Trail
Found the password
Kinda weird to put the password here. We hadn't even reached the boardwalk yet.
Bog Trail Bog Trail Sign
Start of the bog walk
Bog walk Bog walk Bog walk Bog walk
Bog walk Bog walk Big Bog Lake
End of bog walk
Big Bog Lake
Sphagnum moss
Returning the way we came Bog walk Bog walk Bog Trail
The Old Logging Trail The Old Logging Trail Back at car
Album created by album from Dave Madison's MarginalHacks on Mon Feb 1 08:54:36 2016