Album: HikingClub:Lake Bronson

Lake Bronson State Park: Minnesota DNR
Hiking Club Miles: 3.4
Miles Earned On: 04/06/15
Critter Card Found On: 05/29/11
Geocaching notes: We liked the lookout/water tower. Second waypoint is cleverly hidden. Fun find.
Avian and Biome Card Found On: 06/22/13
Hiking notes: Trail was well marked. Lots of birds and deer out and about when we visited. It was 34 degrees out when we did this hike.
Park comments: This park is kinda odd in that a Bible camp owns land within the park. The Hiking Club Trail takes your right by one section of their private property.

Park entrance Park entrance Critter card
Critter card
Avian card
Avian card
Biome card
Biome card
Start of Trail Map Trail Trail
Start of loop. You can go either way to complete the hike.
Trail Trail Trail Map
We took the upper section of the loop.
Trail Trail Trail Trail
Trail Found the password Trail Trail
This is what remains from a gravel mining operation
I spy with my little eye something for the 2015 park geocaching challenge.
Map Chris
Checking out the dip.
Trail Trail Trail Trail
Boat launch Trail Lake Lake
Bunch of geese taking off.
Trail Geese Lake Geese
Walking on the ice.
Trail Trail Trail
Trail View Lake Trail
Trail Trail Bible camp Trail
Trail Trail
Turning right.
Trail Trail
Back at car
Photo album generated by album tool from Marginal Hacks by Dave on Mon Feb 1 08:54:37 2016