Album: HikingClub:McCarthy Beach

McCarthy Beach State Park: Minnesota DNR
Hiking Club Miles: 3.0
Miles Earned On: 09/06/14
Critter Card Found On: 09/02/11
Geocaching notes: Our first state park over Labor Day weekend. Nice park by the lake. Fun find.
Avian Card Found On: 09/06/14
Hiking notes: Parking was about a mile from the park entrance, off of Pickerel Lake road. Parking puts you near a spur trail for the Hiking Club trail. The spur trail (there and back again) adds almost another mile to the hike.
Park comments: It was only Sept 6th, and the park was already closed for the season. Good thing Kathy gave us notes on where to park for the Hiking Club trail, otherwise I doubt we would have found it. Would like to see this park spend more money on its roads and trails versus the beach.

Park entrance Critter card
Critter card
Avian card
Avian card
Start of spur trail "Hiking Club Extension"
That's one way to phrase it
Pickerel Lake
Hiking Club sign?
Unfortunately, our first of many downed trees on the trail
Hiking Club Extension Map
We're at 3
Hiking Club Extension
Hiking Club Extension Hiking Club Extension Hiking Club Extension Hiking Club Extension
View from trail Start of Hiking Club Trail
Hiking Club Trail
Wonder why the trail is called that? We never saw a big hole.
Trail Trail Map
We're at 6
Found the password Trail Trail Trail
Trail Map
We're at 1
Trail Trail
Heading back toward the lake
Trail Trail Trail Trail
Pickerel Lake Trail Trail Back on Hiking Club Extension
Back at car
Created with the tool album generator from Marginal Hacks by David on Mon Feb 1 08:54:44 2016