Album: HikingClub:Monson Lake

Monson Lake State Park: Minnesota DNR
Hiking Club Miles: 1.0
Miles Earned On: 03/23/12
Critter Card Found On: 04/30/11
Geocaching notes: Our 4th park of the day. Another quick find. It was a short but very windy walk to the final stage.
Bird Card Found On: 04/26/13
Hiking notes: Small park. Thought we could manage the hike with no map, but the end of the trail was marked in a confusing manner. Tried to find a sign with a map, and there wasn't one. Looking at the online map now doesn't really help. Still unsure what path they wanted us to take.
Park comments: The wildlife was very noisy the day we visited. Due to the proximity of the path to the lake, I imagine this park could be very buggy at certain times of the year.

Park entrance Start of Hiking Club Trail Trail Trail
Basswood Trail Trail Trail
Trail Gooseberry Crossing the street Trail
West Sunburg Lake Found the password Boxelder trees Trail
Crossing the street again Trail Monson Lake Prickly Ash
Trail Very talkative geese Trail Trail
Snakes! Monson Lake Trail Confusing sign
One sign points right, where there is one trail that splits in two, the other sign points the way we just came from. We see a sign farther up the trail, so decide to go that way.
Picnic area Back at car Critter card
Critter card
Avian card
Avian card
Album created by photo album generator from David Madison's Marginal Hacks on Mon Feb 1 08:54:48 2016