Album: HikingClub:Red River

Red River SRA: Minnesota DNR
Hiking Club Miles: 2.2
Miles Earned On: 04/05/15
Critter Card Found On: 05/29/11
Geocaching notes: We had more trouble finding the park than finding the cache. Google Maps shows this park in the wrong location. The final stage is in an area visible by campers and hikers. It's nearly impossible to be stealthy. It's no surpise this cache had been muggled a few months ago.
Bird Card Found On: 06/21/13
Hiking notes: Be sure to get a map before you head out, as the trail is not well marked in spots. This was a weird one, as you're walking on city streets for part of it.
Park comments:

Park entrance Critter card
Critter card
Avian card
Avian card
Really glad we took this picture, as it saved us a few times in figuring out where to go.
Trail Trail
Trail Trail Red River Trail
View from trail Trail
Bridge into North Dakota
Passing under bridge Red River
Trail View of Red River Chris
Checking out the river and looking for the password sign.
Don't cross the street here.
Trail Trail Trail
Crosswalk up head
Crossing the street
Trail Found the password Trail
Trail Trail Trail Trail
Trail Trail Trail Trail
Trail Trail Trail Playground
Trail Trail Trail
Back at campground area
Back at car
Created with the tool album script from MarginalHacks by Dave Madison on Mon Feb 1 08:54:54 2016