Album: HikingClub:Schoolcraft

Schoolcraft State Park: Minnesota DNR
Hiking Club Miles: 1.8
Miles Earned On: 03/24/11
Critter Card Found On: 03/24/11
Geocaching notes: Well hidden cache.
Bird Card Found On: 05/17/14
Hiking notes: There was still a fair amount of snow on the ground so we snowshoed the trail. The trail was all wooded except for one little clearing. Lots of evidence of deer.
Park comments: The park is by where the Vermillion river feeds the Mississippi.

Park entrance Critter card
Critter card
Bird card
Bird card
Start of Hiking Club Trail Map Trail
Trail Mississippi River Trail Trail
Trail Mississippi River Map
We're suppose to turn left, but we mistakenly go straight.
Off Hiking Club Trail
Off Hiking Club Trail
Map Trail
Off Hiking Club Trail
Off Hiking Club Trail
Off Hiking Club Trail
Off Hiking Club Trail
Back on Hiking Club Trail
Fallen tree on trail
Trail Trail Trail Map
Trail Trail Map Trail
Trail Trail Trail Trail
Crossing road
Trail Map Trail Trail
Trail Trail Map Trail
Found password Trail Mississippi River
Piece of ice floating downstream
Interpretive Sign
Mississippi River Mississippi River Mississippi River Mississippi River
Map Trail Map Interpretive Sign
Trail Boat Launch Boat Launch Falling
Accidently snapping a picture while tripping on snowshoes.
Tree Tree Back at parking lot
Created with the tool album generator a Marginal Hack by David on Mon Feb 1 08:55:01 2016