Album: HikingClub:Soudan Underground Mine

Soudan Underground Mine State Park: Minnesota DNR
Hiking Club Miles: 2.5
Miles Earned On: 09/05/14
Critter Found On: 09/02/11
Geocaching notes: Our second state park over Labor Day weekend. Took the wrong path and ended up bushwacking our way to the cache. Maybe if we had a map, we would have realized sooner it was the wrong way to take.
Avian Found On: 09/05/14
Hiking notes: Wish we would have been clever enough to think to hike this one backwards. The walk up the road at the end is brutal.
Park comments:

Park entrance Avian card
Avian card
Critter card
Critter card
Start of Hiking Club Trail Trail Trail
Trail Trail
Is barbed wire really necessary here?
Trail Alaska Shaft & Engine House
Mining cart Stuck?
Due to no sign, we're unsure which way to turn. Checking out a map for help
Very happy to see this sign so that we knew we were on the right path
Trail Trail Trail Trail
Trail Trail
Crossing the road
Trail Trail
Chipmunk Found the password Weird mushroom Trail
Trail Trail Trail
Turning onto the street
About halfway up the steep road
Back at car
Photo album generated by album from D. Madison's Marginal Hacks on Mon Feb 1 08:55:05 2016