Album: HikingClub:Split Rock Creek

Split Rock Creek State Park: Minnesota DNR
Hiking Club Miles: 2.6
Miles Earned On: 10/24/14
Critter Card Found On: 08/20/11
Geocaching notes: Our 4th state park that weekend, and our 60th critter card! Nice walk to the cache. Walked across a cool bridge over a dam.
Bird Card Found On: 10/11/13
Hiking notes: Trail was well marked. Lots of grasshoppers on certain sections of the trail.
Park comments:

Park entrance Critter card
Critter card
Avian card
Avian card
Start of Hiking Club Trail Trail Trail
Trail Trail Trail Trail
Trail Trail Split Rock Lake Trail
Trail Trail Trail
Split Rock Creek
Trail Trail Trail View of the lake
WPA water tower Trail Trail Trail
Trail Trail Trail Trail
Trail Crossing dam Split Rock Lake View from dam
Found the password Trail Trail
Can you spot the guy? He's got a shotgun in his hands.
Back at password
Heading back Trail Trail Trail
Trail Trail Back at car
Album created by album from David Ljung's Marginal Hacks on Mon Feb 1 08:55:06 2016