Album: HikingClub:St Croix Boom Site

St Croix Recreation Area Boom Site
Hiking Club Miles: NA
Miles Earned On: NA
Critter Card Found On: 06/04/11
Bird Card Found On: 06/30/12
Hiking notes: NA
Geocaching notes: The cache was difficult to reach. They could have made it a little more accessible and still kept it out of view of muggles. This one took us a little longer to find than expected, as the logs implied you had to go down the stairs to get to it. There were no stairs involved for us. Maybe the cache was still at its winter location.
Park comments: Seems like an interesting area. Too bad the DNR's park and rec website doesn't have any info about it.

Park entrance Bird card
Brid card
Critter card
Critter card
Photo album generated by album tool a script by David on Mon Feb 1 08:54:56 2016