Album: HikingClub:Temperance River

Temperance River State Park: Minnesota DNR
Hiking Club Miles:
Miles Earned On: 09/03/11
Avian Card Found On: 09/14/12
Critter Card Found On: 03/31/11
Hiking notes: Very poorly marked hiking club. Ended up doing part of it backwards.
Geocaching notes: Many stages in this one, but it was still very quick.
Park comments: Park is split by Hwy 61. On one side, a beautiful lakeside park with many deer. On the other side, waterfalls and many geological features.

Park entrance Avian card
Avian card
Critter card
Critter card
Start of Hiking Club Trail View from trail
See the hidden waterfall?
Trail View from trail Trail Trail
View from bridge View from bridge View from overlook Trail
View from overlook View from overlook Trail View from overlook
View from overlook View from overlook View from overlook View from overlook
River Trail Trail Trail
Found password Trail to overlook Trail to overlook Trail to overlook
Overlook Overlook Trail Trail
Back at car
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