Album: HikingClub:Tettegouche

Tettegouche State Park: Minnesota DNR
Hiking Club Miles:
Miles Earned On: 09/03/11
Avian Card Found On: 09/15/12
Critter Card Found On: 09/03/11
Hiking notes:The trail to Shovel Point is a popular one. There were only two hiking club signs - one at the start and the password. Though there weren't any forks in the trail to Shovel Point, it still would have been nice to have another hiking club sign to validate you're still going the right way.
Geocaching notes: Our fifth state park over Labor Day weekend. Scenic and a bit hilly hike to the cache. Easy find.
Park comments: This state park was the one that started it all for us.

Park entrance Avian card
Avian card
Critter card
Critter card
Start of hiking club trail Trail View from trail
View from trail Trail Trail Trail
Trail View from overlook Trail Trail
Trail Found the password Shovel Point Shovel Point
Lake Superior Shovel Point Trail
Back the way we came
Trail View from trail View from trail View from trail
View from trail View from trail Back at car
Album created by album from Dave's MarginalHacks on Mon Feb 1 08:55:09 2016