Album: HikingClub:Upper Sioux Agency

Upper Sioux Agency State Park: Minnesota DNR
Hiking Club Miles: 4.3
Miles Earned On: 10/26/14
Critter Card Found On: 08/20/11
Geocaching notes: When we arrived, we ran into a ranger who gave us some tips. Quick find by car. We saw a frog and a snake while searching. The sliding hill looks like fun.
Bird Card Found On: 10/10/13
Hiking notes: We hit over 150 miles at this park, but the ranger office was closed and we weren't able to get our patches.
Park comments: All the hiking trails allow horses, so Chris dubbed this park "Upper Poo Agency".

Park entrance Critter card
Critter card
Avian card
Avian card
Crossing street
to start of trail
Start of Hiking Club Trail Map
Hiking Club is highlighted in yellow
Trail Trail A hill
Chris found it interesting
Hiking Club sign barely visible behind the brown sign
Trail Trail Trail Trail
Crossing the road Trail Trail Trail
Trail Crossing the road again Trail Bunch of birds
Trail View from trail Found the password Gnarled bur oaks?
Are these the gnarled bur oaks mentioned in the park description?
Trail Trail Gnarled bur oak? Trail
Trail Trail Trail Trail
Its a little unclear which path to take from here
You're suppose to take this road
Road Road Back on a trail
Trail Trail Crossing road Trail
Final ascent
A bit more ascent to go
Picnic area Back at car
Album created by album a free tool by Dave Madison on Mon Feb 1 08:55:10 2016