Album: HikingClub:Whitewater

Whitewater State Park: Minnesota DNR
Hiking Club Miles: 2.2
Miles Earned On: 05/05/12
Critter Card Found On: 06/04/11
Bird Card Found On: 09/08/12
Hiking notes: Hiking club trail was actually closed, but we ended up hiking it anyway. The stone bridge was treacherous, and the trail was slippery. Despite that, it was a decent hike. Either way you go, you have to go up quite a long way, which means it's not probably something you want to do when it's really hot out.
Geocaching notes: At the final cache, we had to "pretend" to be tired and sit for awhile for a couple of large groups of hikers to pass by. Definitely will be back to do more hiking at this park.
Park comments: The fact that the trail was closed could have been made a little more clear. We weren't 100% sure which trail the sign was referring to. When we figured it out, it was too late (already across the bridge and were not going back). Despite trail conditions, the park was still busy. For such a popular park, I expected the trail quality to be better.

Park entrance Avian card
Avian card
Bridge Taken to look busy
while muggles passed by
Critter card
Critter card
Start of Hiking Club Trail
Near the visitor center
Trail Bridge
This bridge was actually closed, but we stupidly crossed it anyway. The stones were all cockeyed and spaced too far apart.
Somewhat safely across, minus one pant leg.
Trail Trail
And up
And up some more
Still going up
Ravine along trail Trail
More up
Finally at the top
Trail Trail Trail Trail
Trail Trail Trail Made it!
We are no longer on a closed trail.
View back
The trail we came from
Found the password Map Trail
Boardwalk View Trail Trail
View Chris checking out the view Overlook Trail
Trail Trail View View
And hiking club sign
View Rocks Trail Stairs
Stairs Stairs More stairs View up
Trail More stairs And the stairs continue Across the street
View from where came out of
Nature store Along the highway Trail Trail
Crossing the street
This was a mistake. We should have continued along the highway.
Crossing the river River Park street
Back at parking lot Back at car
Album created by album generator a MarginalHack by David Ljung on Mon Feb 1 08:55:12 2016