Album: LSCT:09/15

Learn more:
Middle Silver Falls
Scenic High Falls
History of Winnie the Pooh, White River
Pic River Guest Suite

This is the outside of the cottage. It's right next to a Ford dealership
Silver Falls
And a cute sign showing how far away we are from a bunch of places
Silver Falls Silver Falls
Scenic High Falls Scenic High Falls Scenic High Falls Another totem
Blueberry fest
We went to the festival in Wawa and all we got to show for it is this jar of blueberry jam
Another bad picture
But shows us entering White River, home of Winnie the Pooh
White River Winnie
The museum was suppose to be open, but it wasn't
Winnie Marathon Pic River Guest Suite
We rented the basement
Pic River Guest Suite
Pic River Guest Suite Backyard
Too bad the weather isn't nice
Pretending to enjoy himself
Pic River Guest Suite
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