Album: LSCT:09/16

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Neys Provincial Park

Neys Weird art bench First hike
Lookout Trail
From this, it didn't look too bad. It failed to mention the difficulty increases significantly when the trail is wet, which is was for us. Those bare rocky sections where very slippery.
Trail Trail Trail View
Trail Mushroom
Due to how slippery stuff was, Michelle gave the camera to Chris to deal with, so you're going to see stuff like this going forward.
No idea why Chris took a picture of this
Yep Ok And another Trail
It might not look like much, but we were so happy to see sand. It went from slippery rocks to mud, so this was a very welcome relief.
Trail Wet
It has boards, but you get the idea of how wet the ground was
No idea what it is, but we thought it was kinda neat growing in the sand
Bird Dune Trail After that difficult.. try for an easy one Dunes and a Plantation Tool
This was a sand dune, which was flattened as part of the construnction of a POW camp. After the camp was dismantled, the Scouts of Canada plated the Red Pine plantation to help protect the sand.
Pioneers in the Dunes
Pink Lady Slippers grow here, but you have to around in June/July to see them.
Lilies of the Dune Valley
Two lilies grow in this area - Yellow Clintonia and Canada Mayflower
And maybe one of these is a Canada Mayflower
This stuff is weird though
Same with that tall thing growing out of it
Trail A Pre-Cambrian Adventure
We're now standing an an area with exposed bedrock with a variety of trees and plants. Note the growth of Old Man's Beard and Reindeeer Lichens.
Pointing out what we think is Reindeeer Lichen.
Busy Boreal Beavers
We're suppose to look out for beavers and markings of beavers' teeth on stumps. It's hopeless though. Chris and Michelle will never see a beaver or a moose, no matter how hard they try.
No beavers here either Labrador Tea
We're standing in a front of a plant used to make tea which is high in vitamin C. Too much though can make you sick, so we stear clear.
Trail Trembling Aspen
We're suppose to be on look out for a Trembling Aspen amoung the Red Pine. Yeah, we'll never find it because we'll never know it when we see it.
Bird Is that the Trembling Aspen?
Who knows...
Point Trail Description
We go for one last easy one
Lake Notice the beach
It's covered in driftwood. Seeing many beaches around the lake now, we've never come across this before.
Lake Boat
POWs provided most of the labor for logging operations in this area. These boats were used to haul workers and supplies.
Boat View View Chris
View Chris Terrain View
View Another picture
of all the driftwood
Album created by album tool from MarginalHacks by D. Madison on Fri Jan 25 08:37:22 2019