Album: LSCT:09/20
306 km to Duluth
We had planned to stay in the North Shore a few days to hike, but the weather was bad, so we decide to drive through instead.
Crossing into US Grand Portage
Despite the gloomy weather, we decide to stop her to pick the Aquatic Quest cache
An International Bou..ry Commission marker
on the border of the United States and Canada, at Grand Portage State Park in Minnesota
Found it!
It's so gloomy, we had to use the flash
Grand Marais View of the lake
in Grand Marais
Silver Bay Rainy Duluth Leaving Duluth
Full circle - 535 into Wisconsin is where we started.
Photo album generated by album generator from David Ljung's Marginal Hacks on Fri Jan 25 08:39:06 2019