Album: Newfoundland:Aug 11th
Green Stop Bare Mountain Coffee House Bare Mountain Coffee House Clarenville-opoly
View from coffee house Clarenville New
I wonder why the "New" part is necessary?
Terra Nova
Visitor center
Terra Nova
Visitor center
Terra Nova
Visitor center
Terra Nova
Visitor center
Terra Nova
Visitor center
Terra Nova
Visitor center
Terra Nova
Visitor center
Terra Nova
Visitor center
Southwest Brook Trail
Southwest Brook Trail Southwest Brook Trail Southwest Brook Trail Southwest Brook Trail
Southwest Brook Trail
Blanket of moss
Southwest Brook Trail Chris taking the previous picture Southwest Brook Trail
So mossy!
Southwest Brook Trail Southwest Brook Trail Southwest Brook Trail Southwest Brook Trail
Southwest Brook Trail Southwest Brook Trail Southwest Brook Trail Southwest Brook Trail
Southwest Brook Trail Ginormous bug Southwest Brook Trail Southwest Brook Trail
Southwest Brook Trail
Men are triangles and women are circles because ?
No consistency
A few feet away, instead of a man and woman, we get an actual toilet.
Southwest Brook Trail Southwest Brook Trail
Southwest Brook Trail Southwest Brook Trail Sign
Car on duck legs ahead. Cool.
Isn't that always true?
Beware truck slamming into you at high speeds from the left
Gander Sign
Beware riderless snowmobiles and four wheelers watching you from the right
Multicolor road
I sure hope our car doesn't tip over!
Beyond Burger at Tim Hortons
Beets Downtown Gander
Downtown Gander Room Dinner
Lefty's Pizza
Created with the tool photo album generator a Marginal Hack written by Dave Madison on Fri Jan 31 07:25:08 2020