Album: Newfoundland:Aug 12th

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Alexander Murray Trail

Alexander Murray Visitor Center
We thought it would be open, but it wasn't.
Trail times
Yeah, we didn't make those times.
We signed the book and were on our way! Well, sort-of. We got a bit into the trail and the bugs were bad, so we ended up going back to the car for bug spray and starting over again. One of many reasons we didn't complete this in 3 hours.
First stairs
of approx 2200 stairs
Grouse Brook
@.23 km
Be prepared for lots of pictures of stairs
No stairs Trail
If you look closely
at the hill on the left, you can see stairs going up it.
Stairs West Line
Somehow we missed the marker for Dole Road. Now @.9km
Trail Blurry
But you can make out the flag. That's the summit.
Moose Barrens
@1.35km. This is where the loop starts. We went left (counter-clockwise).
the blurry picture? That's the same peak on the right, and how far we have to go.
Again, you can kinda make out the stairs we'll be going up.
Corner Brook
Admiring Corner Brook
Corner Brook
Trail Cute Stairs
At this point, the stairs start in earnest.
View from stairs
Stairs View Stairs Detour
We're doing the optional detour to Corner Brook Falls, which added an additional 200 stairs down and 200 stairs back up.
Corner Brook Falls Corner Brook Falls Michelle
Down by the falls
Corner Brook Falls
Pointing the falls out to Michelle
Corner Brook Falls Returning back up Chris
making sure Michelle hasn't decided to give up and live here now.
View View Continuing upward View
Corner Brook Gorge
Corner Brook Gorge Hidden waterfall
Chris spotted it.
So close
yet so many stairs to go
Closer There's the flag View
View Weird moss We did it!
Summit @3.6km
It's very windy
View View Michelle View
Back down Weird Trail Trail
Boreal Forest Trail Trail Trail Chicken!
Trail Chicken Trail Chicken Trail Chicken
Climbing the stairs like it's people
One stair
Two stairs Back in the forest Rowsell's Falls Rowsell's Falls
Looking back
That's the summit on the peak so far away
Rowsell's Falls Michelle
Looking for rocks
Trail Gull Brook Falls
Gull Brook Falls Gull Brook Falls
Trail Weird stuff
on a tree
Corner Brook
Corner Brook
Corner Brook Trail VIew of summit
Way off in the distance now
Back at Moose Barrens
Loop completed @6.08km
Trail Trail Trail
Trail Done!
@8km, just under 5 hours
Our Hotel
Holiday Inn in Deer Lake
Room Not what it seems
This is actually a gas station
Michelle's Dinner
Jungle Jim's Veggie Stir Fry with Thai sauce, Black horse beer
Chris' Dinner
Jungle Jim's Cajun chicken ceaser salad
Photo album generated by album tool a script by Dave Madison on Tue Apr 14 13:33:27 2020