Album: Newfoundland:Aug 14th

Learn more:
Tablelands Trail
Stanleyville Trail
Southeast Brook Falls Trail
Ocean View Hotel

Driving to Gros Morne Driving to Gros Morne Driving to Gros Morne Tablelands
The red rocks are peridotite. It forms only in the mantle. High iron content causes the surface to rust when expsoed, but it is blackish-green inside.
Tablelands Tablelands Tablelands Tablelands
Sign, what sign?
Tablelands Tablelands Tablelands Tablelands
Did they really need to run cable through here?
Tablelands Tablelands Tablelands
Tablelands Tablelands Chris
standing on the mantle
Frightening looking flower
Tablelands Tablelands Tablelands Tablelands
Tablelands Close-up
of the distance falls
Tablelands Tablelands
Michelle Serpentinite
Serpentinite looks a bit like snake skin. It starts out as peridotite, but changes when head, pressure, and water do their work.
Tablelands Tablelands
More Serpentinite Tablelands Tablelands Tablelands
Tablelands Tablelands Tablelands Pangea
And Gros Morne's location
Stanleyville map
Another out and back hike needed to complete the Gros Morne Geocaching Challenge.
Stanleyville Stanleyville Stanleyville
Stanleyville Stanleyville Stanleyville Stanleyville
This use to be a mall logging town, and they say you'll still find garden plants today, so maybe.
Lots of interesting plants in this area
More berries Flower
Flower Flower Flower Flower
Cove Seriously?
To get to the geocache, we have to cross this.
Cove Cove
Cove Cove Blue shells
The beach is littered with these.
Cove Cove Back at start Southeast Brook Falls map
Surprisingly this quick out and back to a falls was empty. We had the place to ourselves.
Southeast Brook Falls Southeast Brook Falls On our way
to Rocky Harbour
To Rocky Harbour
Our room Our room
Album created by album generator from D. Madison's Marginal Hacks on Fri Jan 31 07:27:02 2020