Album: photos:DracTour 2007:Day 2

Learn more:
Snagov monastery: The burial place of Vlad. Well, probably.
Tomb of Queen Marie's heart: Located by Bran castle.
Craiasa Muntilor Restaurant: We had our first Romanian dinner here.

Sign for Snagov monastery Snagov lake
Cross the lake by rowboat
Outside Snagov monastery Outside Snagov monastery
Outside Snagov monastery
Front of monastery
Outside Snagov monastery
Front of monastery
Outside Snagov monastery
Side of monastery
Outside Snagov monastery
Side of monastery
Outside Snagov monastery
Back of monastery
Inside monastery Vlad's grave Inside monastery
Vlad's grave Radu telling us about Snagov monastery Inside monastery Inside monastery
Inside monastery Inside monastery Inside monastery Inside monastery
Inside monastery Inside monastery Inside monastery Inside monastery
Inside monastery Inside monastery Inside monastery Inside monastery
Outside monastery
A cross located near the dock
On our way to Brasov On our way to Brasov On our way to Brasov
On our way to Brasov On our way to Brasov Bran castle
We made a quick stop to take some pics of the castle. We didn't actually go to Bran until the following day.
Bran castle
Another pic of the castle
Bran castle
Another pic of the castle
Bran castle
Another pic of the castle
Tomb of Queen Marie's heart Tomb of Queen Marie's heart
Tomb of Queen Marie's heart Tomb of Queen Marie's heart Radu hurrying us back to the bus Ride to Craiasa Muntilor
Ride to Craiasa Muntilor Ride to Craiasa Muntilor Ride to Craiasa Muntilor Ride to Craiasa Muntilor
Ride to Craiasa Muntilor Craiasa Muntilor restaurant Inside Craiasa Muntilor restaurant
Free shots of plum brandy for everybody!
View from hotel
View from hotel View from hotel View from hotel View from hotel
View from hotel Hotel Hotel
Created with the tool album from MarginalHacks by David Madison on Fri Sep 25 14:28:55 2015