Album: Salem 2009:Day 3

Learn more:
Salem Village Witchcraft Victims' Memorial of Danvers
Salem Witch Museum
The Salem Witch Trials Memorial
The Salem Witch Trials

Salem Village Witchcraft Victims' Memorial of Danvers
Memorial Memorial Memorial
Memorial Memorial Memorial Memorial
Memorial Memorial Roger Conant
First settler of Salem
Roger Conant
Roger Conant Salem Witch Museum Salem Witch Museum Salem Witch Museum
Salem Witch Museum Salem Witch Museum Salem Witch Museum Salem Witch Museum
Salem Witch Museum Salem Witch Museum Salem Witch Museum
Pirate Museum
Ok, we didn't actually go here, but the outside looked neat.
Old Burying Point
Second oldest cemetary in US
A magistrate in the witch trials
Richard More
Richard More's 1st wife
Notice her name isn't on the gravestone
Richard More's 2nd wife
His second wife got her first name listed.
Old Burying Point Old Burying Point
Old Burying Point Old Burying Point Old Burying Point Old Burying Point
Witch Trials Memorial Witch Trials Memorial Bridget Bishop Sarah Good
Elizabeth Howe Susannah Martin Rebecca Nurse Sarah Wildes
Rev. George Burroughs Martha Carrier George Jacobs John Proctor
John Willard Giles Corey Martha Corey Mary Easty
Alice Parker Mary Parker Ann Pudeator Wilmot Redd
Margaret Scott Samuel Wardell Weekend of the Witch Weekend of the Witch
Created with the tool album a free tool written by David Ljung on Sat May 20 14:47:57 2017