Album: Yellowstone:09/19

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Mammoth Hot Springs Area
Mammoth Hotel Map Room One of the capitals is wrong on the map. Can you find which one?
Wraith Falls
Floating Island Lake
Calcite Springs Overlook
Tower Falls

North entrance Roosevelt Arch Liberty Cap Mammoth Hot Springs
Devil's Thumb Palette Spring Devil's Thumb Palette Spring
Info Devil's Thumb Mammoth Hot Springs Funny
As you can tell from the snow, beware this thermal area
Mammoth Hot Springs
Terraces Area
Mammoth Hot Springs
Terraces Area
Mammoth Hot Springs
Terraces Area
Mammoth Hot Springs
Terraces Area
Mammoth Hot Springs
Terraces Area
Mammoth Hot Springs
Terraces Area
Mammoth Hot Springs
Terraces Area
Mammoth Hot Springs
Terraces Area
Mammoth Hot Springs
Terraces Area
Mammoth Hot Springs
Terraces Area
Mammoth Hot Springs
Terraces Area
Mammoth Hot Springs
Terraces Area
Mammoth Hot Springs
Terraces Area
Mammoth Hot Springs
Terraces Area
Mammoth Hot Springs
Terraces Area
Mammoth Hot Springs
Terraces Area
Mammoth Hot Springs
Terraces Area
Mammoth Hot Springs
Terraces Area
Mammoth Hot Springs
Terraces Area
Mammoth Hot Springs
Terraces Area
Orange Spring Mound Orange Spring Mound Orange Spring Mound
Orange Spring Mound
This is a little trail by Orange Spring that leads to a cave our hotel owner told us about
With some hot steamy water bubbling inside
Found the cave
Cave Cave Cave Cave
Cave Cave Cave Cave
Cave Chris
Taking a picture
The picture he took Trail back
Chris taking pictures of poo The poo Angel Terrace Bus
Outside Mammoth Hotel
Wood map
Inside Mammoth Hotel
Wood map
Map facts Wraith Falls
Wraith Falls Wraith Falls Wraith Falls Chris
Checking out the landscape
Floating Island Lake Floating Island Lake Floating Island Lake Buffalo
Calcite Springs Calcite Springs Info Calcite Springs
Surrounding area
Basalt columns
Info Surrounding area Tower Falls
Tower Falls Tower Falls Tower Falls Surrounding area
Wolf Den?
Came here looking for a wolf den, but didn't spot it
Picnic hike
A hike on a ridge that starts by a picnic area
Picnic hike Picnic hike
Picnic hike Picnic hike Picnic hike Picnic hike
As you can see, it starts to snow/rain/hail on us
Picnic hike Picnic hike Picnic hike Snow storm hits
5 minutes later
Still on the same road and heading the same direction - Clear skies
View by bridge View
Yellowstone river
View View Elk
Around Mammoth Visitor area
Elk Elk Elk Elk
Dinner at Mammoth Terrace Grill
Veggie burgers and fries
Album created by album tool a script written by David Madison on Thu Nov 9 05:38:34 2017