Album: Yellowstone:09/15-09/17

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Hiking Near Red Lodge
Wild Bill Lake
Red Lodge Ales Brewing

Red Lodge Comfort Inn
Our room
Gloomy view
from room
Veggie melt on rye and a shared flight
Pulled chicken bbq sandwich
And it begins Good morning! Geocaching at park
Spending time around time, hoping it warms up
Red Lodge
Red Lodge Mas Taco
After some shopping in town, stopped here for lunch
Vegan wet burrito rajas Chips and salsa
Wet burrito carne asada Wild Bill Lake
A short .8 mile loop
Wild Bill Lake Wild Bill Lake
Wild Bill Lake Wild Bill Lake Wild Bill Lake Bird!
Weird Wild Bill Lake Basin Lakes Trailhead
Doing a short hike to waterfall
Waterfall View ?
Lots of burned pine cones
Nichols Creek Trail
Hiking .6 miles to viewpoint
Nichols Creek Trail Nichols Creek Trail Gloomy view
More snow and rain
Gloomy view
Chris Nichols Creek Trail Nichols Creek Trail Nichols Creek Trail
Bird Nichols Creek Trail Next day
Hike to Lost Lake
Lost Lake
5 miles, 10 miles round trip
Another snowy start Off we go View from trail Entering wilderness
Trail Trail Pebble beach 180 view from beach
There's a secret here
Zooming in
A waterfall!
Trail View from trail Even more snow
Further we go, the more snow on the ground
Trail View View View
Broadwater lake Broadwater lake Broadwater lake View
Winter wonderland Foiled by a stream
It's deeper and wider than it looks. With no way to cross, Lost lake will remain lost. We turn back.
View View
View View View Back at beach
View View Squirrel Squirrel
Trail Rock
that looks like a face
View Back at start
Snow on bridge still hasn't melted
View from bridge Dinner at Pom
Vegan meatball with penne pasta and marinara sauce
Dinner at Pom
Photo album generated by album generator a Marginal Hack written by David Madison on Thu Nov 9 05:36:27 2017